Monday, May 21, 2012

Exam 70-432: Reboot!

If you've been following along, you'll know that I've been studying for the MCTS exam in SQL Server 2008. To put it bluntly, the class hasn't been going that well. I'm not getting enough time for the practice that makes the difference between just cramming for the test and really learning the material. And as I said here, the goal is knowledge, not a piece of paper.

So I've re-designed the class, with a new syllabus. Feel free to take a look, and use it if you find it useful. The new schedule calls for two weeks per course topic instead of just one. That should give me enough time for the increased hands-on workload, namely:

  • Posting the lab exercises here.
  • Answering at least one 'Question of the Day' from  (or something equivalent), and discussing how I came up with my conclusion.
  • There's now a Class Project, due the day after the Final Exam. The project is to come up with a database, and create a maintenance document for it. The document will be enhanced and expanded, based on each week's topic.
As before, each week I have to make at least one significant contribution to an online forum and continue blog about the class.

There's more time now, but there's more work to do. So let's get going!


  1. My biggest challange is carving out time to study in between the time demands of work and the time demands of family. Having worked with SQL over the years, I probably know 20 percent very well, and have a pretty good conceptual grasp on another 50 percent. But I'm very aware that half of the test is going to be on the half I haven't had a large amount of experience with, partcualy features the small shops don't use a great deal. Well, off to the other 50 percent.


    1. Hi Dan,

      I think you're exactly right. That's why I'm using the college class format. I know from experience that nothing will stop me from completing an assignment on time.

      If you haven't already, take a look at the syllabus. It might help you structure your time.

      Good luck in your studying.
